♥ Blob's Encounters ♥

Heya, thanks for viewing and feel free to comment and voice out anything in here. I'll be more than glad to help out with anything... besides that, enjoy reading my little encounters of life and how I feel about it. :) xoxo ♥ F ♥

3:20 AM

Blogging Mood

Carved by ♥ F ♥

Hey all! :)

Hope everyone's doing fine at this moment. My days started off pretty normal for the past few weeks. Working as a freelance event coordinator and music composer before i head back to the States, hmm.. life.

Oh, i've moved and this will probably be my permanent site. The old one, http://ohwatsoever.blogspot.com/ is no longer active therefore no need for more visits there.

To feed that little curious mind of yours.. pondering at the name of my blog, Why BloatedBlob? Well, here's your answer. BloatedBlob is my nickname for my bluetooth connection in my cellphone, therefore explains this. *chuckle*

Having said the above, now onto my blog. Yesterday, a friend added me onto msn and told me to check his blog, and knowing me.. I decided to work on mine.. which I usually update once a month. Haha. So! Here we have it.. I humbly apologize for the simplicity of my designs. My mind hasn't been cooperating with me lately. I spent more than 12 hours on this yet it looks so simple. *shrugs* Besides googling for a decent standard + simple template, I searched for some tutorials on how Blog designing works and made a few personal samples which i've kept in my HDD. On top of that, i've been trying to figure out how to add SWF/Flash files into a blog. Converting them into animated gif's aren't hard but sometimes, due to the amount of frames, it would make the image lag therefore not advisable. I'd rather upload the swf file directly than converting it.

Here's a sample:
Anyway dear readers, from now onwards you'll be seeing quite a number of posts by me related to movies, life, work and many other aspects of humanity so to speak. :p

That's all.

This is ♥ F ♥ signing out for now.. you know you love me :) xoxo

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