♥ Blob's Encounters ♥

Heya, thanks for viewing and feel free to comment and voice out anything in here. I'll be more than glad to help out with anything... besides that, enjoy reading my little encounters of life and how I feel about it. :) xoxo ♥ F ♥

1:46 PM

Time to Edit!

Carved by ♥ F ♥

Heya folks! It's pretty late where I'm at but I'm just too pressured with work right now. Haha. So, I mentioned in my second last entry that I'll be back?

Let's say... well, hopefully this would be my unofficial come-back. :)

I know I've been neglecting my blog but I hope I can be excused with a decent reason, work. Most of the times I get called out for events or movies for further write-up's and reviews, I'll end up having that little spark which pretty much dies out by the time I get home (ノ-_-)ノ ... Ah! I'm horrible :'(

Anyways, here's hoping I'll be able to balance work and hobbies. Blogging.. was my job until I got hired by several companies to work on their events, marketing and PR work. All in one, they call me the Community Representative ... but, I am an important asset to their company, since I handle the whole community =/ ... Loads of work there. On the sidelines, I stick to designing and gaming :D I'm a hired Beta-Tester by the way, so stay tuned if you'd like some Beta-Keys to play newly launched games by many companies from USA, UK and all around Asia (-_- )ノ

Take that as my little apology eh? Hehe...

That's all. Gonna cut this one short :)

This is ♥ F ♥ signing out for now.. you know you love me :) xoxo

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